I sat on the edge of the earth, its soul caressing my shadow Fighting for air to stay inside my… And I whispered to the ocean, That I hope you will Remember me
It’s the year that you shed your childhood skin, it’s the day you wake up and realize you’re no longer sleeping in your own bed, It’s the feeling you get in the base of your ribcage,...
You let me live in you like a cloud wrapped in the blanket of the sky, like a child cloaked in the warmth of its mothers arms. When you left I named you worthless. I named you unloved...
As I consumed the wooden air around me, inhaling pieces of the earth into my paper lungs, suddenly the words that I’ve kept alive along my wild lips, I’ve realized are not the same, as ...
You were all thunderstorms and oceans made of forest fires, your booming roars soaring through your silver throat, making a home beneath my shoulders. You were all wildflowers, grown ...
White noise, bleeding through the… I am not ready, I am not ready to let you go. Still she pulled, she pulled you a… The ocean moving under my body
Your name is stuck in my throat, and it burns every time I say it out loud. It’s a match that will never go out, it’s a flame that’s burning down the whole town that is my body. It’s le...
It was a clean break of the neck, the weight of his absence sitting on her shoulders. My momma she promised to love you, even if it meant keeping your side of the bed warm while you wer...
I am not lonely, she marveled to the moon, while hi… I have art, I have endless amounts of art livi… But
I don’t know how to leave this place I call home. My mouth is twisted into shapes of constellations and on my tongue sits every word you ever said to me, the fire in your voice spread ...
I saw you for the first time in 19 months, your hands still felt like lightning bolts, but your mouth no longer had the word stay written across it. I saw you for the first time in 19 m...
The silver in your pulse ran through my hair like an ocean filled with stars, teaching fish how to swim, and stars how to dance. your breath was bursting with freckles of sunlight, th...
The rain is falling down around me, as each drop touches my delicate skin, they tell me a secret they learned from the sky. There’s waves in my hair and stars sleeping inside my lungs. ...
4 days deep in January’s throat and I already feel my veins holding brick walls, My breath has become even shallower than the last time I remember the days when my bones still held o...
Autumn settles in our skin as if we’d swallowed the last of august. It sits inside of us like a child, clawing at the linings of our souls, begging to climb in deeper. The September air...