Never spit the fire you feel growing inside your mouth, into your daughters face. She is a house with no windows, she is a tree about to lose all her leaves. She is a fragile dandelion,...
I’m laying here tonight with the full moon trapped inside my ribcage, I’m drunk off of words, and the summers heavy hearted goodbyes. There’s waves in my heart and they crash down insid...
He told me, through the wind in hi… I let the chill of winter that wra… They never told me it would feel t… I handed my soul to a crowd of peo… I was told by a boy with golden ha…
I sat on the edge of London, people caressing the sweet air around me, like the way the rain would catch onto the tips of your eyelashes, and fall slowly to sleep. Your brown eyes penet...
It’s 11:03 and I’m walking barefoot on thin Ice. The sound of my broken heart mixed with the taste of the frozen wind is beginning to suffocate me, but in a good way. It’s 11:19 and I’m...
Poetry is the blood that runs rampant through my veins. It is the smell of grass against the harsh winds, that smack against my frail cheekbones, reminding me that you’re no longer by m...
As the smoke drains from my ear drums, and travels to your lips, I’m wishing to be standing anywhere but the ground that my heels are pressed against. My heart dreams of laying barefoot...
You were all thunderstorms and oceans made of forest fires, your booming roars soaring through your silver throat, making a home beneath my shoulders. You were all wildflowers, grown ...
Because my father never told me, that my jupiter hands were glisten… Planets spinning all around me, All inside me; I let my fingers be cut away with…
You’ve taught me not to love with… your heart will always be worn on… I didn’t love with my palms open,… the songs in my veins playing out… I used to wear the planets like br…
You let me live in you like a cloud wrapped in the blanket of the sky, like a child cloaked in the warmth of its mothers arms. When you left I named you worthless. I named you unloved...
You were happy, You held the world between the pal… The ocean tied around your neck But it became too heavy And you had no where to put it dow…
Last night I slept with my spine against the wildflowers, my eyes foggy with the rain, the heaviness of the stars pounding into my skull. As I looked around I felt the world inside of ...
We carry in our bones the vanilla… We carry in our veins the knowledg… We carry through every life, the m… but it’s not untill that life is o… I’m a dreamer first and a writer s…
At 7:07 I lay beneath the newborn sun, as I felt the rush of rain absorb into my lungs, and the heaviness of the sky burst into my chest. I was filled with the onrush of the earth, yet ...