

unanticipated anticipations,
expected, unexpectations,
relatively, revelated,
elevated, revelations
Irreversible irrelations,
Devoted notions
Noted devotions
Slow motion motions
Motion slowness
Motivated to unknow this
To unshow this
Redeemed redemption
Exceeded acception
Descending deception
Ascending invention
Pending, prevent us
Leading please led us
Speaking to be spoken
Cracked just to feel what it’s like to be open
Healing feelings,
Felt, dealings
Not dreamings
Lucidity, so maybe astrally an anomaly
Not normally but similarly
You can crush the idealist but you cannot crush the idea,
Through loving eyes I choice to see ya
L is for love and for love sakes do us good
Where we are
What we’re suppose to should
No matter how so
Most sleep but some do know
Astral gravity is feel
felt is real
Pull and pack the surface,
sealed back the peal
Uncharted waters
Open ended oceans
Slow motion motions
Motions devotions
Potent life potions
Through action do show us
Winds blew
weather be blow us
Heavens above us
Standed ground root us
Loves a must,
ground standing
Mind not minded
consciousness expanding
Kindered spirits, not hindered do hear us
Here and know,
flow go and slowing
Please do remind us
Explain to us
What it is to us
What keeps you going
Tall demanding
Landed landing
Astounded grounding
Groundedly astounding
Wide open eyed handing
Handling Peter panning
Societal foot standing
Feel what’s inside and surrounding
Astonished astounding
Ponder be pounding
Rewinded and rewounding
Fast forwarded
slow onwarded
Presence presenteded, essence, remembereded
Balance balanceded
For now eyes lay heavy and
Truthfulness embodieded
Innerness resteded restfulness
Bested bestfulness
Fulness of bestedness
At the end of the day if you gave it your all and you did your best,
well deserved pat on the back,
loving heart
full chest
And even if you did not and you decided to beat yourself up
Know that you’re worth the contentment, acceptance, the gratefulness
and you’re worth it to fill up your cup
Know that your best is different from day to day and sometimes it’s time for work and sometimes it’s time for play
Balance is key
open eyes wide open choice to choose what you perceive to see
Free will is something that is inward and outwardly expanded from me
Choices to feel, how we want to deal
What kind of lense we look through
What part of this life thing is real
Perceptionly inventionly distortionly,
Tends to be a truthful portion that is somewhat enormously
Large in size, whether it shrink down small or expand and rise
Your choice
Your voice
Your eyes and your kind of noise
how much power is given
is your decision in this life that you’re livin
Tomorrow is a new and today is already in the past
Dwell on what was and was not
To do that is not ideal
Life goes by too fast
Focus on life one moment at a time,
one after another, rhyme after rhyme
Sign after sign
Synchronicity combined with feelings of sublime
Knowing I is, I are, and simply I’m
I’m isness, I am stillness, I am movement, I am satvically balanced,
Simply put. I am and I love this
happening lack of absence
Sense to be and be here to sense
Find out your truth and expand your essence
Airy fairy life style
Gifts from above
Looking inward all the while
Lifted to give
Lighter to live
Not so dense,
mathematically, spiritually and intuitively makes sense
But still
And sustainable
I am me, I am I and I am completely abable and capable
Tick after tock, notice the passing but don’t only focus on the clock
Let yourself live, give, survive and thrive
After all
This is your life experience
Your chance to be alive

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