Caricamento in corso...

A dance at dusk

The autumn night sky settles into night
Gazing across the open field
A blaze gleams in the distance
Bursts of invisible laughter fill the air
She is greeted with an orange-hued kiss upon her cheek
As if it had been waiting centuries for her return
Exuberant and puppy-like
It takes her hand
They dance  to music unheard
Under the moonlit sky
The hand does not burn her
All of its joy and warmth fill her heart
The dance ends as the flame releases her
Sparks of amber shoot up to the stars
She pauses to revel in the fragrance
A burning spruce tree
Sweet smelling and aromatic
A scent that reminds her of home
Home, home.
She twirls slowly around the fire
listening to the cracks, sizzles, and pops
The warmth starts to die
She walks away
Eyes glowing with joy and love
Heading for home


Altre opere di ~Jewelle<3~...
