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We live in a world of strangers
I wish it were not so.
Each builds around himself a wall
Outside he dare not go.
For if outside he ventures
Without his armor tight
We’ll see the light of real day
and the dark of real night.
See us waste our lives in foolish search
And see the games we play.
Living in our lonely world
Day after endless day
In search of fame, in search of gold
And other foolish quest
When what we really want and need
Is love and warmth and rest
The tender touch of a loving friend
A family to belong
Someone to share with us
Our sadness and our song
But this I tell you all my friends
And what I say is true
With the armor that we wear
Loves arrows can not get through
The walls we build to stop the pain
Just lock the pain inside
We build not for protection
But just a place to hide
Step outside and see the light
Stand up straight and tall
A life locked in your lonely room
Is no life at all
We can not live our life alone
No matter how we feel
We need the world and it needs us
And only love is real
Jack E Stowe

I am looking for feed back.

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