I will not try the reach again, I will not set my sail alone, To moor a boat bereft of men At Yarnton’s tiny docks of stone. But I will sit beside the fire,
The soldier month, the bulwark of… That never more shall hear such vi… He stands apparent with his heaven… And helmeted of grand Etruscan go… Our harvest is the bounty he has w…
This man’s desire; that other’s ho… A third’s capricious tyrant: and m…
Who ran away from his Nurse and w… There was a Boy whose name was Ji… His Friends were very good to him… They gave him Tea, and Cakes, and… And slices of delicious Ham,
I said to Heart, ‘How goes it?’… ‘Right as a Ribstone Pippin!’ Bu…
Kings live in Palaces, and Pigs i… And youth in Expectation. Youth i…
Wherever the Catholic sun doth sh… There’s always laughter and good r… At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!
The Vulture eats between his meal… And that’s the reason why He very, very, rarely feels As well as you and I. His eye is dull, his head is bald,
My jolly fat host with your face a… Come, open the door to us, let us… A score of stout fellows who think… If they toast till they’re hoarse,… Hoofed it amain
Lord Finchley tried to mend the E… Himself. It struck him dead: And… It is the business of the wealthy… To give employment to the artisan.
In woods so long time bare Cuckoo! Up and in the wood, I know not wh… Two notes fall. Yet I do not envy him at all
Here richly, with ridiculous displ… The Politician’s corpse was laid… While all of his acquaintance snee… I wept: for I had longed to see h… Another on the Same
Pale Ebenezer thought it wrong to… But Roaring Bill (who killed him)…
Rhinoceros, your hide looks all un… You do not take my fancy in the le… You have a horn where other brutes… Rhinoceros, you are an ugly beast.
And is it True? It is not True. And if it were it wouldn’t do, For people such as me and you Who pretty nearly all day long Are doing something rather wrong.