
Free Me From 23

Free me from 23...
It’s been a long year for me, at age 23.
The lights are on, but it still looks dark out here,
I guess I’m just facing ny deepest fears.
Pick up the beer.
I use the liquor to clear my mind, but I see 23 form in the sky.
‘Fly high my brother. Send a sign when you make it home. I just need to know you are not alone.’
Forget what I’m saying, I don’t want to feel alone.
Maybe I’ll feel like you didn’t really go.
You were always there,
Always here
Shit, I can’t keep up, it all seems so surreal
I need someone to free me from 23.
Day 23 I leave my brother 'Sloth’ 6 feet beneath me.
Free me....
I look up and see nothing but grey skies.
I saw that cloud move,
Is that you?
I see a glimpse of blue
Maybe that’s my sign, my brother always gave me a different point of view.
Someone tell me what to do.
Tears flow endlessly,
Wondering why 23 be testing me,
Free me...
I gave up my pride and joy 2 years ago.
I never thought we would make it because I was doing it all alone.
Day 23, he was free from my instability.
Everyone said he would have a better life.
“I guess.”
“It’s a possibility.”
It’s so hard to talk about it,
So, here I write about it,
It takes me away from living it.
Free me from 23.
I’m not living the life I’m suppose to be.
The 2 of us brought 3 lifes into this world.
I should have put the numbers together,
I’ve never seen that before
That explains why I have no one,
Why I feel so alone.
Someone free me...
Free me from 23
I’m tired of all the hurt and pain.
They say, “God won’t give you what you can’t handle.”
They say, “He gives and takes away.”
The truth hurts, so I tune them out with a quick fix for the day.
23- How much longer until I’m free?
Multiply 2 and 3 to get 6,
Satan’s presence exists.
Free me...
My demons resist
Free me...
They are consistent
Free me...
They make me distant.
I speak...
The world won’t listen.
They should have hit pause because now I’ve walked away.
They’ve lost me.
I’m gone.
I’m lost– mind’s far past gone.
It’s like I’m in this cage full of devil’s rage.
He just keeps attacking
People just point and stare,
Or they look past it
I wonder why everyone’s still laughing...
They are smiling...
You’re flying...
“Son, I’m trying.”
I can’t stop crying...
I’m dying...
Free Me From 23.
