#Americans #Women #XIXCentury
839 Always Mine! No more Vacation! Term of Light this Day begun! Failless as the fair rotation
160 Just lost, when I was saved! Just felt the world go by! Just girt me for the onset with E… When breath blew back,
A still – Volcano – Life – That flickered in the night – When it was dark enough to do Without erasing sight – A quiet – Earthquake Style –
156 You love me—you are sure— I shall not fear mistake— I shall not cheated wake— Some grinning morn—
XXXIX I MEANT to have but modest need… Such as content, and heaven; Within my income these could lie, And life and I keep even.
393 Did Our Best Moment last— ‘Twould supersede the Heaven— A few—and they by Risk—procure— So this Sort—are not given—
810 Her Grace is all she has— And that, so least displays— One Art to recognize, must be, Another Art, to praise.
XLVII HEART, we will forget him! You and I, to—night! You may forget the warmth he gave, I will forget the light.
66 So from the mould Scarlet and Gold Many a Bulb will rise— Hidden away, cunningly, From saga…
681 Soil of Flint, if steady tilled— Will refund by Hand— Seed of Palm, by Libyan Sun Fructified in Sand—
976 Death is a Dialogue between The Spirit and the Dust. “Dissolve” says Death—The Spirit… I have another Trust”—
848 Just as He spoke it from his Hand… This Edifice remain— A Turret more, a Turret less Dishonor his Design—
Good night! which put the candle o… A jealous zephyr, not a doubt. Ah! friend, you little knew How long at that celestial wick The angels labored diligent;
555 Trust in the Unexpected— By this—was William Kidd Persuaded of the Buried Gold— As One had testified—
XLVIII THOUGH I get home how late, how… So I get home, ’t will compensate… Better will be the ecstasy That they have done expecting me,