Caricamento in corso...

Villanelle:In love’s embrace

In love’s embrace, I’m lost in sweet surcease,
A symphony of touch, a tender plea,
With every caress, my heart finds release.
The warmth of love, a balm for weary days,
A gentle touch that chases all my woes,
In love’s embrace, I’m lost in sweet surcease.
Soft whispers weave a tapestry of praise,
A chorus of affection, soft and low,
With every caress, my heart finds release.
Your eyes, like stars, reflect my soul’s sweet ease,
Your laughter’s music fills my every sense,
In love’s embrace, I’m lost in sweet surcease.
Together, we dance through life’s uncertain ways,
Our love a beacon, guiding us anew,
With every caress, my heart finds release.
So let us linger in this tender maze,
Where love’s sweet nectar forever flows,
In love’s embrace, I’m lost in sweet surcease,
With every caress, my heart finds release.
Altre opere di ElidethAbreu...
