Caricamento in corso...

**To A Beautiful Lady**

As this heart, a wanderer’s son,
Yearns for the solace of your nights,
Solace finds it, in your pure light.
My love for you blooms, a sacred sun.
Like the flower that knows no decay,
My love for you flourishes in my breast.
Time’s passage slows, at your behest,
As you transform moments into a heavenly bouquet.
Each second whispers your name, my dear,
Yet time escapes, elusive and fleet.
But in your embrace, it turns so sweet,
An eternity of bliss, dispelling fear.
OH, my darling, you are my greatest prize,
A symphony that fills my every breath.
Your love, a fragrant bloom that never dies,
A treasure I hold close until my death.
Altre opere di ElidethAbreu...
