Caricamento in corso...
Elideth Abreu

**My Love’s Bounty**

The day is bright, the wind alive,
Howling behind the distant crest,
Where forest bends to its desire,
And young saplings at its behest.
Rebel, oh Wind, a fire in my veins,
That urges you to dance and dally;
She’s mine, oh Earth, oh Sky above,
Gray seas, my claim is not so small!
Let jagged cliffs echo my delight,
Though but stone, they share my joy;
Mine! I earned her, fertile, brown earth,
Sing for me, and let the spring be coy.
For my love rivals all your blooms,
And the ploughman’s toil I count not low;
May his sunrise be as sweet as mine,
As he labors in the morning glow!

# Amor Belleza Inspiracion

Altre opere di Elideth Abreu...
