Edgar Albert Guest

The Green of Michigan

I’VE seen the Rockies in the west,
I’ve seen the canyons wild and grim,
I’ve seen the prairies golden dressed,
And California’s hedges prim.
I’ve seen the Kansas corn fields blow,
I’ve seen them wearing summer’s tan;
But there’s no place on earth can show
Such glorious green as Michigan.
I’ve seen the blue of foreign skies,
I’ve seen old England’s shady lanes,
The famous spots men advertise,
The mountains and the rolling plains;
But wearily my eyes have turned
From scenes that others gayly scan,
And secretly my soul has yearned
To see the green of Michigan.
I’ve traveled in a Pullman car
And watched the landscape slipping by,
But always though I’ve wandered far
To fairer charms my mind would fly;
And when at last the moving scenes
Seem painted by some Master Man
With all the cool and restful greens,
I know I’m back in Michigan.
Here Mother Nature never tires
And droops her head upon her breast;
Beneath the scorching summer fires
She keeps her youth and looks her best.
When other states have lost the hue
They had when first the spring began,
’Tis like refreshing drink to view
The splendid green of Michigan.
Go search for charms on foreign shores,
Enthuse of wonders, as you roam,
I choose the splendors at our doors,
I sing the rich delights of home,
The trees in garb of glory dressed,
The fertile fields that round us span;
I sing the charm that thrills me best,
The glorious green of Michigan!
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Autres oeuvres par Edgar Albert Guest...
