#English #XXCentury #1917 #JustFolks
He is with you every minute, in th… And your caddie’s quick to sense i… If you hear your trials bravely, i… You will find the little fellow tr… If you show the proper spirit when…
His name was Kelly Ingram; he was… And he whistled ‘Yankee Doodle,’… There was laughter in his make-up,… And he knew the best traditions an… Now there’s not a heart among us b…
LADY, when you say you’ll come Tuesday morn to do our washing, Tell us if there isn’t some Way to know if you are joshing? When you promise to be here
He limped into the place one day,… ‘Just half a man,’ he told the bos… An accident did this to me, ’twere… It robbed me of efficiency, but le… The boss said kindly unto him: 'T…
The men are talking peace at ‘ome,… There’s many a little debt we’ve g… A sniper sent a bullet through my… And ’is body’s lying somewhere h’o… Oh, we 'ear a lot of rumors that t…
Does the grouch get richer quicker… Can the grumbler labor better than… Is the mean and churlish neighbor… Who shouts a glad ‘good morning,’… Just stop and think about it. Ha…
“When shall I be a man?” he said, As I was putting him to bed. “How many years will have to be Before Time makes a man of me? And will I be a man when I
He has not served who gathers gold… Nor has he served, whose life is t… In selfish battles he has won, Or deeds of skill that he has done… But he has served who now and then
NO MAN really knows enough To be hateful to his brother, None is rich enough to cuff And be cruel to another; None so clever that he can
’Twas not so many years ago, Say, twenty-two or three, When zero weather or below Held many a thrill for me. Then in my icy room I slept
Mine is a song of hope For the days that lie before; For the grander things The morrow brings When the struggle days are o’er.
MEBBE I shall weep tomorrow, Mebbe I shall lose my job, Mebbe bowed in grief and sorrow I shall sit alone and sob. Mebbe trouble grim is comin’,
Right must not live in idleness, Nor dwell in smug content; It must be strong, against the thr… Of foes, on evil bent. Justice must not a weakling be
Did you ever sit down and talk wit… In a serious sort of a way, On their views of life and ponder… On all that they have to say? If not, you should in some quiet h…
SAY, Mister Carpenter, you know,… I guess your Pa and Ma forgot to… An’ I can’t come here any more to… Coz my Pa says a man like you ain… You 'member yesterday, when you wa…