#English #XXCentury #1917 #JustFolks
If you would know a happy man, Go find the fellow who Has had a bout with trouble grim And just come smiling through. The load is off his shoulders now,
There are many to cheer when the b… There are many to shout for the ri… There are many to rail at the worl… But few have the grit for the figh… There are thousands to start with…
WHEN the dressmaker comes I am t… For they don’t want me anywhere ha… At seven in the morning they send… With:' Don’t you come back till t… She’ll be here for a week, and we’…
I did not argue with the man, It seemed a waste of words. He gave to chance the wondrous pla… That gave sweet song to birds. He gave to force the wisdom wise
rose unto the bights of fame And with the great men stood, He heard the people cheer his name And speak of him as good. Success at last he had attained
I’m not the man to say that failur… Nor tell a chap to laugh when thin… I know it hurts to have to take de… An’ no one likes to lose before a… It isn’t very pleasant not to win
Show me the boy who never threw A stone at someone’s cat; Or never hurled a snowball swift At someone’s high silk hat. Who never ran away from school,
God grant me kindly thought And patience through the day, And in the things I’ve wrought Let no man living say That hate’s grim mark has stained
SWEET is a rosebud, pink or red, And sweet are the blooms of May, And sweet is the fragrance about u… On many a summer day. Oh, the world is full of such swee…
I used to lose my temper an’ git m… An’ raise my voice so wimmin folks… I’d do things I was ashamed of wh… An’ wish I hadn’t done 'em, an’ r… But I’ve learned from sad experie…
IF I had wealth and I had health… And I 'd a roof above me, If I’d a wife to cheer my life, But not one child to love me, No rosy-lipped young laughing miss…
OUT in the open, the wide sky abo… And the green meadows stretched at… Out in the open, midst scenes that… Where the rest hour is soothing an… Out in the country, where nature’s…
DID you ever meet a brother as yo… And invite him up to dinner, and h… Did you ever keep him standing unt… When you’d meet to talk about your… Did you ever say: 'Next Tuesday w…
HUSBAND and wife for fourteen y… And just like children now, As fond of one another as The day they took their vow. Where he goes she goes, hand in ha…
I WONDER what the trees will sa… The trees that used to share his p… An’ knew him as the little lad Who used to wander with his dad. They’ve watched him grow from year…