#English #XXCentury #1916 #AHeapO'Livin'
If you would rise above the throng And seek the crown of fame, You must do more than drift along And merely play the game. Whatever path your feet may tread,
COME, open your door, there’s a… Who is eager to wish you a Happy… He rings at the bell and he’s read… ‘The New Year is in and the old y… And long may you prosper and long…
When I wanted something I couldn’… A suit of clothes or a Sunday tie… Or a new straw hat when the sun wa… I used to feel sore about it. I used to go 'round with a face dr…
Seemed like I couldn’t stand it a… The factory whistles blowin’ day b… An’ men an’ children hurryin’ by t… An’ street cars clangin’ on their… The faces of the people seemed to…
There must be great rejoicin’ on t… Shore to-day, An’ the big an’ little angels must… mighty gay: Could we look beyond the curtain n…
Don’t want medals on my breast, Don’t want all the glory, I’m not worrying greatly lest The world won’t hear my story. A chance to dream beside a stream
She is fair to see and sweet, Dainty from her head to feet, Modest, as her blushing shows, Happy, as her smiles disclose, And the young man at her side
Lord, make me tolerant and wise; Incline my ears to hear him throug… Let him not stand with downcast ey… Fearing to trust me and be true. Instruct me so that I may know
H’if a yankee cutthroat ‘acks ‘is… H’it tykes a year to pack ‘im h’of… ‘E can h’always dig h’up some h’ex… To keep your justice creepin’ like… But h’in H’England, h’if a bloke…
Comes in flying from the street; 'Where’s Mamma?’ Friend or stranger thus he’ll gree… 'Where’s Mamma?’ Doesn’t want to say hello,
DOWN the lanes of boyhood, let m… Let me tread the paths of youth th… Let me wander once again where the… Freckled face and tanned of leg, r… Picking checkerberries as I laze…
To serve my country day by day At any humble post I may; To honor and respect her flag, To live the traits of which I bra… To be American in deed
WHAT would be the use of singing… If there was no little woman near… What would be the use of righting… If a little woman didn’t cease to… What would be the use of getting r…
He couldn’t use his driver any bet… Than the chap that he was licking,… I could hit them with a brassie ju… But I piled up several sevens whi… And he trimmed me to a finish, and…
OH, you laughing little fellow, w… And your golden curls a-mockin’ al… With your cheeks a wee bit redder… You don’t know just what you mean… With your rompin’ and your shoutin…