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MINE god

My God, my god,
why hast Thou not forsaken me?
Why dos’t Thou two faces,
eyes pierce eyes lure,
left and right mazes,
mine sore heart endure?
Why does Thou be my god?
mine own heart reveal?
Can’st Thou just leave it be gone?
Mute god I can’st not hear,
Blind to peep and see,
Sees’t none I fear,
Tastes bland salt free,
Grave god lifeless to me.
Lift mine heavy head,
forlorn dove eyes Ye seek,
gaze mine heart mend,
Your kiss for mine plea.
Kill god, Oh my God morn,
keep mine will for Thine,
double-minded me worn,
rot not god my bowels bind.
Mercy mine flesh Yours,
undeserving grace kind,
spake words life mores,
generational ways find.
Gods Thou with them,
mine own trials implement,
mine dungeons vent,
Kill god’s me repent.
Echos groaning form,
gods nash and grind,
hell’s shadows mourn,
Felt not heard in mime.
God, oh my only True,
Ache mine from deep take,
Being my bosom blue,
Crystal clear my heart make.
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