

As I stare in the mirror,
I see past what I see,
Past the looking glass,
Staring back at me.
Am I me, or am I he?
Witnessing scenes,
Foggy memories,
Blocked out.
Travel outside myself,
Is this a lucid dream?
Blaming me, blaming he,
Fault unknown.
Suppression, depression, deception.
Ignorance ain’t bliss.
Truth to freedom
Lies to a cage.
Come as you are.
Looking within the within,
Through the eyes of a child.
Looking to begin,
My existence.
Been in stasis.
Calm the fear.
Hide the pain.
Break the chains,
Until nothing remains,
But the he that is me and the me that I see
In the mirror,
Now cracked.
A distorted reflection,
As if the one before it never existed.


This poem was written based on a novel I am working on.

#PowerThriller #Suspense
