tailored finely to be worn proudly on the dance floor on the moon over top-shelf martinis over the rainbow
i was 24 riding the Amtrak for the first ti… with a six hour layover in downtow… i left the station looking for a s… but before i found anything resemb…
all of my weary and all of my woe is made into perfect sense a common thread in my favorite son… familiar tones of sadness the beauty of malaise
I cannot be cast under any moon, upon any soul. If not for her,
for wars not fought and battles not waged axes that fell from the hands of warriors
it’s there when nothing else is but the radio and a near crippling… it climbs around on the walls and… hissing like a poisonous lizard th… you cut the tips of your fingers a…
it destroys the essence of the poe… stricken with the stink of human no art can cover the foul odor generic mac&cheese flatulated
dehydrated my heart became small hardened by the air of hopelessnes… with a little time and some water it has grown and changed
i have been trying to eat the moon the sun is too spicy and i do prefer a late dinner but the people i eat with are insa… and they vomit the stars
you took leave of Egypt for southwest Tennessee the African sun left for the warmth of Sun Record… i commend the move you made
i’m writing this to you my friend because the last time i said goodb… it was passive i thought for sure we would be
i know that you miss me we were happy together and i don’t ever want you to forget i want to always be there
i don’t ever want to rest in peace and i certainly don’t want any of… resting in peace some of us grew up listening to pu… and speed metal
they’ve never looked as deeply as… into the centers of your alluring and final eyes they’ve never watched you dance slowly and dark like the end…
after it blows out your last match it goes to a bar and laughs over whiskey telling the story of the look on y…