he lights one last flame home is where the burning is bed of devil’s rest
sparks fly when you put a couple forks in the microwave too
what happened to it? pen with which he wrote the note ink of his last words
“An unexamined life is not worth l… —Socrates “Suicide’s an alternative.” —Mike Muir humanity is the unwiped
just for fuck’s sake don’t write it about her i know she loved this song but you loved it before her
you drag a soul around in a body and some nights it’s a bag of bricks wondering if there’s anything left to dream for
our savings accounts cry out for m… but we only have so much to give coins jingling away in the pocket a few dirty fives in the wallet the shelves are in need of grocery
after it blows out your last match it goes to a bar and laughs over whiskey telling the story of the look on y…
he keeps it bottled for days like these vintage destinies rush toward the… breaths of dead fruits inhale deep… and he drowns himself in their req…
disregarded flesh from abattoir to your plate feeding dominion
dear deity as the world continues to fall apa… in my heart it is clear to me that you do not hear me that you do not fear for me
the lavish liberty of lust unbound in the salacity of self a lover may take too long or doesn’t take long enough a lover may manipulate you
dawn is a coffin stars take their graves in morning come night, resurrect
Women were placed at the flames, accused of witchcraft, and the smoke of murder rose to the heavens. Man’s ignorant spirit bursting up to the gods, as if they didn’t already know how vi...
Eclipse was the illegitimate daugh… of the moon and the sun beautiful and frightening shining and dark all at once