when the neighbors would bang on t… screaming through them telling him to stop for the love of god it is three in the morning
The ghosts will be waiting for me when I open the door, remove my work boots and grab a Diet Dr. Pepper from t… They will be snickering as I fill…
all of my weary and all of my woe is made into perfect sense a common thread in my favorite son… familiar tones of sadness the beauty of malaise
“An unexamined life is not worth l… —Socrates “Suicide’s an alternative.” —Mike Muir humanity is the unwiped
the darker the room the more I needed her she was scented with tobacco and cedar
every doughnut tastes like tauntin… classmates laughing and making jokes at your expense every slice of pizza reminds you
the old ghosts ask me “what have you done?” to which i say “i have played guitars, and even b… i have walked endless miles throug…
loading the chamber to kill that which he fears most one round will suffice
he left behind a loving wife three children many close friends and the best damn dog this side of… sadly
no matter how damned everything is i keep a flower in my coffin to remind myself that the sun still offers me something
our savings accounts cry out for m… but we only have so much to give coins jingling away in the pocket a few dirty fives in the wallet the shelves are in need of grocery
regret of the clock once wanted to be a watch even time gets lost
seven years ago almost home coming over the bridge from a show in The Windy City we hit the ice
a best friend to kings faith substitutes for justice god will keep us poor
decorated in soft skin vines of fire drape around her fireproof face my eyes kneel in worship of a goddess passing by