Caricamento in corso...


Need so badly to be held
And to be in your arms
To feel you love and breathe your warmth
Scared of being alone
It just seems to dark
The silence is loud
The pain is sharp
Staring at the walls
Staring back at me
“Is this what’s it feels like”
“I set my heart free”
I gave up on love
Pushed it aside
It isn’t for me
Too many lies
You love me
I doubt it
I  live without it
Still able to breathe
Still able to move
The hardest task at hand
Stop loving you
If I tell myself enough
I’m sure it will happen
I hate you
Don’t touch me
Love is to tragic
Just keep your distance
And I’ll keep mine
Maybe my heart will learn in time.
But for now I’m alone
Surrounded by all my mistake
Their crowding me
I can’t breathe
Your heartache
You tell me again.
That you love me for me
What it is you see
Stare at the glass
To make sense of it all
You love me?
I put up so many walls
Damaged, broken, hurting inside
Trying to escape the pain before anyone see’s me cry
I try to stay strong and keep my composure
I’m falling apart, as the day grows older.

Altre opere di Danielle H...
