Caricamento in corso...


In the gentle glow of her warmest smile,
With brightest eyes, a beauty that beguiles,
She casts upon me a sweet, melting grace,
A tender look, my heart’s steady pace.
Her smiles, a masterpiece framed with art,
Unfolding the depths of a loving heart,
Like sunlit rays that kiss the morning dew,
Her glances, enchanting, they pierce me through.
Oh, the allure in each lingering gaze,
A magnetic pull that sets my heart ablaze,
In her presence, time seems to stand still,
Lost in her charm, a captive of her will.
Her laughter, a symphony of joy and mirth,
Brings color to my world, a vibrant rebirth,
And in those moments, all worries depart,
As she paints my soul with a cupid’s dart.
Her eyes, twin stars that guide me through,
A celestial map, leading me anew,
I cannot resist their hypnotic flight,
They beckon me closer, into love’s delight.
With her, the world transforms into a dream,
A paradise of love, a flowing stream,
Her touch, a gentle breeze that soothes my soul,
In her embrace, I find myself whole.
Oh, how she weaves a spell, a magic so rare,
In her arms, all troubles dissolve in thin air,
She’s the poet’s inspiration, a muse so divine,
In the tapestry of my heart, she’ll forever shine.
So, let her warmest smile forever beam,
In the cosmos of love, let us both gleam,
For she’s the enchantress, the one I adore,
In her arms, I’ve found a love to explore.

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