Caricamento in corso...


To L.

thought I could never feel this way again
now it crushes my heart every time I’m giving in
why does it have to be so complicated for me
and why are the stories that don’t even start the most longed for ones sometimes
for once it was us both running on the same road
I’ll just tell myself to stop now
stop wondering
stop wandering
I don’t ever wanna know what we could’ve been
it crushes me
I miss you
I miss your voice saying that you hate me
and that I’m awesome
and that you miss me too
and when you write that you wish you could get to Italy tomorrow cause you want to eat a proper pizza for once in your life
I like to tell myself that you just want to see me again
because I do
I do
I hate you
I like you
and I miss you
like crazy.
Altre opere di Clary S....
