
Words of Advice

If I could write a letter to my younger self
I would caution her to hold her heart close to her chest
Because time has taught me that people take what they need
And then they take a little bit more
And scatter it all like trash on the side of an empty highway
I would warn her to trust no one
Because time has taught me that everyone leaves
With only their footsteps on my heart
As any indication they were ever there at all
I would tell her to keep her own secrets
Because time has taught me they will be used against her
Promises are lies
There is no such thing as safety when other people are involved
I would explain how I lived a life of trying to matter
But time has taught me its all in vein
People are consumed with their own realities
And I am nothing
I’d sign off asking her to be better than I ever was
Because time has taught me that regret sings the saddest song
And I listen to it as I fall asleep, for the last time

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