The number one cause of divorce Is holding a grudge We are divorced from reality Because we hold a grudge against t… We resent the truth
The genius of Big Tech’s business… is its simplicity: Get people to pay for what they had previously accessed for free
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
If you start with being, then Being is meaningless But meaning is never without being Because meaning always comes first
When we restrict someone’s space i… we say that they are doing time implying that the rest of us are doing spacetime You do time
The original version’s working title was The Giveth and Taketh Away Tree but Silverstein couldn’t get it published
Finding the anxiety of not knowing who we are for the Other unbearable we cracked the cheat code of statu… but in predetermining
In the 2020 reboot Bugs Bunny’s persona has shifted from invulnerable trickster to pseudo-empathic scold
My shampoo is nine– ty nine percent natural, as if that were enough
I always wondered why there are several teen archetypes on offer in The Breakfast Club– each with their own exquisite agon… but also the promise of redemption…
Serve (one another) and Play (together)
In real life we used to say I’ll see your talk and raise you action but that was just too risky Preferring no stakes
The digital clone born of your onl… Isn’t you, exactly But that leaves open the question… Who is the real you? This can be resolved by answering…
God is the world’s only super-bower
I have a prediction to make: We can’t predict the ending But when it’s all said and done Everything will seem obvious For example,