Why do we say Where there’s smoke, there’s fire when It’s the smoke that kills you, not…
Our elites believe That the key to holding their grip… In the face of domestic opposition… Wringing their necks While in the face of external thre…
Failure to pay the narcissistic wa… results in a fit of rage that cannot be assuaged short of an all against all rampag…
Is it live? Let’s go to instant replay For constant analysis While we wait and see And while we wait for it
When I was a baby My mother wiped my bum Social media, then, is the fountai… As I become its obedient child Every time it wipes my memory
If you want to predict the future determine what is most taken for g… and imagine a world without it I predict a future where words will be replaced
My wife fell right back in love with me when we came up with a rubric
God’s loyalty is only matched By His Demands The most demanding of which is equ… And by His rewards The most rewarding of which remain…
Just when you think You’ve seen it all It all falls apart So, you put it back together again Thinking this time it’s forever
Nobody remembers how to forgive Because posting on social media Is an act of seeking approval
I’d always said Que sera, sera expecting the last guffaw Instead it’s a last hurrah before one or the other coups d’et…
The AI arms race will be won By a people who learn how to bend… To the will of the people This can only be done by a people Who have learned (and remembered)…
Kid, I’ve flown from one side of the galaxy to the other, I’ve seen a lot of strange stuff, but I’ve never seen anything to make me believe there’s a theory of mind controlling everythi...
In his weekend forays for psilocyb… he had always been wary of poisono… but he never accounted for the con… that did him in in the end
The scientific method has, at long last arrived at a unifying theory which, for it is a dead end