The only way to know you’re not paranoid is to stay connected at all times so you can rest assured
The cover-up is always worse when there’s no crime
You will have noticed by now That the phrase Public humiliation Is redundant
Two roads diverged the one to the left leading up the garden path the one to the right leading down the garden path
Hell isn’t other people– Hell is waiting in line behind other people
Panic in the feeds of Towson Panic in the feeds of Baltimore I sunder too, myself Could life ever obtain again The world wide feeds that load you…
The AI arms race will be won By a people who learn how to bend… To the will of the people This can only be done by a people Who have learned (and remembered)…
Post-Enlightenment Secular Mater… Terminated in the pandemic lockdow… You could say The End of History Came after all
Many con artists have a moral awakening; even more realize that the only compassionate thing to do is continue the con
The American cure for the boredom of meaninglessness is not to pursue meaning but to outpace boredom which is why our mass nihilism
Most people can get away with sweeping a few things under the ru… but when I started working at the… I couldn’t help noticing how the rugs looked like
It is only when you conduct a fearless moral inventory that you will come to fear God because you knew the right thing t… but did the wrong thing anyway
The realist doesn’t look at clouds… that describes the escapist The realist looks at clouds and se… from her childhood
Is being a conformist without a cause enough to qualify me as an antihero
The sooner we realize that wholeness is impossible the sooner we can redouble our efforts towards obtai…