God’s door is always open Because God’s door is Our open wounds
All the real archetypes are from the circus and I thought I was a clown until I found myself shot from a cannon
When I sallied forth to share my… just one voice in the wild multipl… They told me to go fly a kite; it seemed that’s just life in the… Then I recalled as it began to ta…
Never get greedy Always cut your losses And remember that it’s better to be lucky than good and it’s bad luck to be so good th…
As long as I’m working I only feel free time slipping away The fear is that if I stopped working
It’s not that you’re jeal– ous, but that you guard your jeal– ousy jealously
It’s taken me this long to underst… like Pee Wee Herman I meant to do that though I’m still unsure why Because as hard as it’s been
I may not be the man who has everything but I’m the man who knows what to get for the man who has everything
Over the course of life I’ve never managed to finish anyth… but for always completing my course of antibiotics
“A quantum state is not an element… instead, it represents the degrees… about the possible outcomes of mea… Just so: A mental state is not an element o…
1. Make so much money you could he… 2. Remind yourself that “there’s n… 3. Tell yourself you need to feed… 4. Eat like kings
God is a verb Woman is a noun And man is an adjective Put them together and you have Moderate
By keeping us on screen text messages, direct messages, et… are always mixed messages of the Trust, but verify
The question isn’t: Why is there something rather than nothing? It’s: Why does it mean something
Like generals husbands are always preparing to f… while their wives are always prepa… to fight the last just war