Give thanks to God For we are much obliged
Business or pleasure? Let’s get down to business and ple… This is also known as Dying happy
Scientists insist that 95% of the… consists of undetectable, unknowab… because this belief makes their ca… Like you and me the little that they do know
The difference between a black hole and a rabbit hole is that light can’t escape a black… but light can’t get in a rabbit ho…
Life has given us pumpkins ostensibly for carving and smashing but I smell an opportunity though the opportunity cost
I have a deep need for love but an even deeper fear of rejecti… and God is both the greatest gamble and the surest thing
Two roads diverged the one to the left leading up the garden path the one to the right leading down the garden path
Cartoonists always draw the lightb… pointing up so that no one will think it’s a n…
AI is A nobody And I am Nobody’s fool
We got the five day work week because that’s how long it takes a python to digest it’s meal
There is the rule of law Which is self-explanatory Or there is the law of rule Which will always be explained to…
Human cloning only started to take… Once it became clear that The original becomes a copy of the…
When space is finite we need to share which is colloquially known as using the Force When cyberspace is infinite
This is going nowhere so, by all means let’s keep going
Everything changed when Snob appeal became mass appeal Since once the internet democratiz… It only matters What you can afford to believe