My favorite plot twists have always been quicksand and amnesia but I have this sinking feeling I’m forgetting something
If you need to appear weak to access power you’ll end up weak-kneed and abuse your power
As the boat overfilled with refuge… was turned away from the harbor each of the onshore demographic gr… had their own routinized, ruthless… but surrounded by my own
When Mao said “Everything under heaven is in utt… he went on to kill 60 million of h… When Xi Jinping said “Everything under surveillance is…
We’d all been taught As the temps got hot That all was for naught And that was our lot So, we’d cashed out and bought
Democracy was superseded not by a police state but by a witness protection progra…
I wasn’t shocked when scientists announced that a universe already infinitely… could still be expanding because I do have an ego
If there is one thing we can all agree on it’s moral certainty
When I was a kid the rule was one kid got to pour two glasses of Coke and the other kid
In the end no one could be held accountable for the catastrophe not because there weren’t plenty of warning signs
The culture war is a total war burning down everything from sea to shining sea
It used to be true that “All the world’s a stage” but now that all the world wide web’s a gauge the real world’s but a Faraday Ca…
All words are defined by other words except for God’s rule
You can’t know what you will decid… But you will know when you have de… You can’t know how you will act on… But you already know what is at st… Everything hangs in the balance;
It’s obvious that God is doing us… But it’s less widely acknowledged… God calls in all His favors And the only way to return the fav… Is to try and do the impossible