When God closes one store He opens another
We talk about current times But time is a current That gives us our power We hate death Seeing it as the loss of all power
If the world exists on a continuum between utopia and dystopia but instead of polar opposites utopia and dystopia are both hell then at the exact midpoint
You may think that the unconscious Is there to protect you from seein… How the sausage is made Because if you knew You wouldn’t want to eat it
It was all systems go in my search for a new belief syst… until I realized all systems go too far
Whistler’s mother had just spent a long day with Whis– tler’s mother-in-law
The American cure for the boredom of meaninglessness is not to pursue meaning but to outpace boredom which is why our mass nihilism
One woman’s sunk cost is another woman’s sunken treasure
I may have a way with words but the metaverse is fast doing away with words
Part 1- Who am I? A missing person Where’s my place? It’s where I must stay
Because, per Morrissey “We hate it when our friends becom… we got rid of success by eliminating all competition except for the number of friends
Life is defined by failure But you can transcend failure If you die trying
Quick Draw McGraw taught us that in the wild wild west it’s better… shoot first and ask questions late… But Quick Bluff McGruff the Cyb… knows that on the World Wide Web…
When Mao said “Everything under heaven is in utt… he went on to kill 60 million of h… When Xi Jinping said “Everything under surveillance is…
I’ve long since stopped working on myself but I work overtime on my curated self