A fishbowl made of screen glass is a fishbowl made for one that is magically adjacent to every other fishbowl in this world we conjured where
The ugly duckling Is not a duck But he is a lucky duck
One person can never predict the future but two people can if they get married This is a clue
In cyberspace We play Simon Says In an endless repetition of Repeat after me In the world to come
The left believes that the culture war can be won by winning elections The right believes that the culture war can be won
I’ve always been more interested in who wrote the book of self-love
The ill-informed Regret to inform you That knowledge is dour But groupthink is power
The one path to a sustainable future is understanding that people will only agree to cuts in their standard of livin…
People keep repeating the same mis… Until they learn their lesson But what if the lesson is that History repeats itself? If you’ve skimmed your Nietzsche
The older that I get, the more wanton lust looks like wanting for love
Bureaucracy’s biggest sin Is malingering as democracy– Bureaucracy sees the will of the p… As a form of madness But pretends to follow the will of…
The last stage of wes– tern civilization was groupthink without groups
I thought I’d crafted a mystique when all I’d rea– lly made were mistakes
At first moving heaven and earth is its own reward because it’s hell on wheels But self-flagellation
Life is a game of Truth or Dare in which you never lose if you choose dare and where you never win if you choose truth