American Express changed its slog… “Don’t leave home without it” to “Don’t live life without it” in acknowledgement that
Everyone has a gift in life and mine is knowing exactly how much I can bid in a silent auction without winning
In wristwatch advertisements the doomsday clock is always set to ten past ten
When the NSA reads my email are they ab– le to discern tone
A materialist looks around at ever… It’s all an accident His friend, the believer, adds his… It was an accident waiting to happ… The materialist and the believer a…
It’s come to my attention that My attention span is limited By what I want to see And like most people these days I don’t know what I want
My social medi– a persona is the mime who just won’t shut up
Think about how much control they… with a made up version of eternal damnation Then consider how much freedom you’ll be left with
The good Hurts so good The bad Hurts so bad And the ugly
For twenty years people kept insis… that there was an elephant in the… but I just didn’t see it And then I realized I was the elephant
Human beings evolved to avoid face-to-face conflict which was why until very recently everybody was talking behind each…
It’s not about you; It’s about me– This is how you know She’s breaking up with you It’s not about you;
In hopes of finally nailing down All the right answers We converted English into math Filtering language through ones an… Making all stories into word probl…
Exhausted by the pendulum swings b… feeling overwhelmed and disappoint… we’ve taken elements from Too much, too soon and
The mean streets of easy street Lack any meaning– To get there, try going crazy But everybody knows You’d be crazy to try