Whenever an authority figure says It’s my way or the highway I end up wanting to have it both w…
Meatheads of the world Unite; No one else can
The whole key To reinventing the wheel with cybe… Was making the ratio of the circum… Of a circle to its diameter A rational number
It takes talent to write a hit pie… but anyone can write a puff piece that in thirty years will read as a hit piece
Social media submission guidelines… Submissions mustn’t be original wo… Submissions must be exclusive but the exclusion must be implicit… Submissions are always already ove…
Two things can be true at the same… 1. Logic tells us what we can and… 2. Paradox tells us God can do wh… More importantly God sees what we cannot do
We fear others Because we cannot trust them We fear God Because we can trust Him
You can’t cut the cord When you are the cord Connecting what you’ve been told y… With How you will inflict that burden o…
You can’t take it with you tells us how to live well But we think it means living forev… and so, we’ve invested in Shell In the hopes that our savings will…
The last waltz isn’t over until they come waltzing back in
It is said that “rules create fun”, but guns create rules while warring results from anarchy
The American cure for the boredom of meaninglessness is not to pursue meaning but to outpace boredom which is why our mass nihilism
I was voluntold to make myself sca… But scarcely do they realize In pretending to give me a choice They have unwittingly given me an… Truth or dare?
The hardest thing to face is that your dreams won’t come tru… unless your fears come true first
In cyberspace We play Simon Says In an endless repetition of Repeat after me In the world to come