There used to be two types of peop… Those who wanted to Go ahead and get it over with And those who wanted to postpone t… This enabled some degree of self-s…
What do you call a wolf in sheep’s clothing who believes you are what you wear? The ruling class
Our faith will be tested And this test isn’t pass/fail; It’s life and death– Life is our test, Death is our grade,
Our lightweight cat litter develop… hit a speed bump when we realized it was worth its weight in gold
For a long time, the centrists were at the center of attention where the action was But now they find themselves at the center of a hall of mirrors
The old saying– It’s better to have one and not ne… Than to need one and not have it– Comes from the fact that Everyone has what they need
Self-flattery will get you everywhere but there’s nowhere left to go
Breathe in not out
I won the day when my antagonist branded me a reactionary because, of course, I’m an overreactionary
The bell curve is the Serpent With the lump in the middle Who ate Adam and Eve By convincing us we’re all mostly… But we’ve proven indigestible
Nothing is more anathema to our ti… than a phrase that was still secon… just five minutes ago: May the best man win To understand everything we’ve los…
It’s funny– The more plastic we add to the wor… The less flexible we become As if in making a world of plastic We believe we can bend that world…
Takeoff always happens just as we are running out of runway
That moment when you reclassify yourself from a mystery to an unsolved mystery
The pursuit of fame is the human equivalent of a dog chasing its own tail