It’s widely known that A man’s best availability is his a… The highest praise for a man is What would we do without him? But it’s rarely said that
I was happily feeding at the trough when I noticed it had been filled with finger food
The ego (that’s you) is a symptom of lack (that’s nothing)
Note that the male tes– tes are exactly the size of small potatoes
If they cut a deal with the devil to cut you loose without ever having to cut the crap they’ll cut right to the chase and… how much it saddens them to cut ti…
Living during COVID-19 Was like trying to eat A bag of individually wrapped M&M…
The opposite of bad breath Isn’t good breath It’s fresh breath Because all breath is good So, you never have to hold your br…
You can strive for quality and never know if you will get any… You can pursue recognition and never know if you’ve done any… Or you can pretend to do both
When you cut the umbilical cord children remain reliant on their p… until they start to become self-re… by attaching to their friends as a step towards the full self-re…
Originally a method for learning from mistakes science had been debased into a tool for sorting right from wrong
The digital clone born of your onl… Isn’t you, exactly But that leaves open the question… Who is the real you? This can be resolved by answering…
In comic books Superheroes assume a secret identi… In order to fool others So they can continue to serve othe… In real life
What is the difference between expressing a feeling and expressing the absence of feel… It is the difference between living under the threat of the Rea…
It feels like I’m writ– ing an unauthorized au– tobiography
The devil is in the details And God is in my feelings Here are the details on my feeling… I feel like The devil is just here to force th…