It’s obvious that God is doing us… But it’s less widely acknowledged… God calls in all His favors And the only way to return the fav… Is to try and do the impossible
How anti-Semites use exegesis to… against the Jews: Step 1 – Cite Love your Enemy Step 2- Interpret
Heart cancer is vanishingly rare because a heart of gold only spreads love, not gold while a mind of gold inevitably spreads all the way
In Judaism The three most important prohibiti… Idolatry, adultery, and murder In idolatry you abandon God In adultery you abandon your soulm…
Money is an illusion that fools al… We only have one currency to spend And it is time At the time of judgment day We will only be asked one question…
I was voluntold to make myself sca… But scarcely do they realize In pretending to give me a choice They have unwittingly given me an… Truth or dare?
There’s always been a method to our madness Its latest name is the scientific method The madness is believing in
The modernist thesis– You’ll know it when you see it The post—modernist antithesis— I can’t believe my own eyes Our current and nameless synthesis…
God is omniscient And He knows we can do great thin… Sharing that knowledge with us In the form of our desire God is omnipotent
On the one hand even the talking cure can’t cure death On the other hand you can’t talk it to death
The difference between God and human beings Is that God gives you what you deserve Which is always what you need
Globalization is the Titanic The United States dollar is the hull that keeps the Titanic af… And US debt default is
When I run out of things to do I write an itinerary: When all else fails fill sandbags to convert
Panic in the feeds of Towson Panic in the feeds of Baltimore I sunder too, myself Could life ever obtain again The world wide feeds that load you…
Every night when Smokey Bear would tuck me in… the last thing he always said was Only you can prevent forest fires