It’s not a wine and cheese crowd unless everyone there hates crowds
The B is silent in subtle but spo… B-cause a B-ing B-comes human by saying the quiet… The B-all and end-all Is the B-ginning and the end
Business or pleasure? Let’s get down to business and ple… This is also known as Dying happy
Higher education purports to prepare you for life when really it exists to indebt you for life, expanding campus ideology
When I was a kid we thought the end of the world was coming any minute via The Button Instead it came a little later
Just as He covered 2/3 of the Ear… God made us each 2/3 water To make it obvious But not too obvious That we don’t ever die
Ours was the first all you can eat… to earn a coveted Michelin star and I always thought it was becaus… when you ordered the whole enchila… it came with bottomless fries
We like to think That the solution to our problems Is coming together As one human family When this whole time
Reason is a gift from God But it is not the path to God There is a reason for this: God’s love for you is unreasonable
In contemporary materialism the miracle of consciousness is filtered through zeros and ones making One a number of things with zero chance of going right
In the west Since we can’t control time We just buy more time An approach used elsewhere With equally mixed results
As the new Assistant to the Deput… your primary initial responsibilit… 1) Establishing détente between wo… and paleo dietary restriction fact… while maintaining the dining hall’…
If you lower the status of all mal… The high-status males will be aver… And the rest will be bottom feeder… Eating away at the foundation
If I’ve learned one thing from Pa… it’s that until I believe in God I will be enslaved to others That would have been enough! But I also learned that
At the risk of defeating myself I’ll say it in vain: Love and aggression are sutured by pain making war and peace