If you’re looking for answers life is a wild goose chase If you’re looking for the next que… life is a never-ending scavenger h…
There’s always a deadline when I read a lifeline so I’ll cut right to the chase: Conjoined with your avatar you will live forever
I had just started explaining smar… When the alien stopped me in mid-s… And explained smart phones to me Originally, in order to monitor an… They were just going to attach
You will know You are in the fight of your life When fighting it Is more important Than winning it
I was born in the summer of my 47th year coming home to a place my mazel’d ever been before
Every story has side effects but the side effects from true sto… may be life threatening
Whistler’s mother had just spent a long day with Whis– tler’s mother-in-law
There’s no time like the present: Do it now Like, there’s no time like the pre… Do it now, but from an ironic dist… There’s no time to like the presen…
I don’t believe in myself So, I must control God I believe in God So, I can control myself
The cover-up is always worse when there’s no crime
The ugly duckling Is not a duck But he is a lucky duck
In the New Age everybody knows that everything happens for a reason but nobody knows the reason so, everybody pastes together
Your ego never knows it’s there Until you greet it Which you do By addressing the other
When they closed all the beaches my dad said not to worry and I just knew he’d install the swimming pool I’d always wante… Instead, I came home from school
In the latest version of Captain… Captain America’s archenemy is Captain Obvious for all the obvious reasons