The worst-case scenario comes true when enough people believe it’s the best case scenario
The essay portion of the test Was explaining why The test only consists Of multiple-choice questions So, I wrote:
When we were kids we liked to spell Mississippi out loud for fun but we never pronounced the S’s–
Miss Suzie had a scapegoat The scapegoat was Hillel Miss Suzie went to heaven The scapegoat went to Hello terminator
For every deep dive into the data there’s a data analyst with the be…
It’s taken me this long to underst… like Pee Wee Herman I meant to do that though I’m still unsure why Because as hard as it’s been
Insanity is also seeing people do the same thing over and over again and expecting them to let you cons…
The digital clone born of your onl… Isn’t you, exactly But that leaves open the question… Who is the real you? This can be resolved by answering…
Because bodies make a fart joke of… etiquette used to dictate that whe… passed gas at, e.g., a dinner part… the polite thing to do was to pret… the fart never happened
God has each of us on a leash And it is almost exactly like the… That let’s your dog roam within li… But for one crucial difference– On God’s leash we can go
You’ve always dressed to impress But it’s only since social media That you can use your appearance To exact compulsory service
Cyberspace has divided us By walling each of us into Our own private nihilo So, we’ll all be able to recognize… Because he will be able to walk th…
When I asked Permission to come aboard The ship of fools They said Everything is permitted
People think that the spork didn’t include any aspects of the… because the serrated edge of the prospective all-in-one utensil kept slicing open the focus group…
The biggest change Since I found God Is who I am Trying to impress Which is how you know