I often find myself telling God That according to the terms of the… You get what you need God insists I come to terms with the implicati…
As the world closed in the Pollyanna sought safety in numbers only to find herself taking a number
We live in an age when the greatest danger is an excess of caution
All raw deals Are some version of the following: If we screw up You’ll keep your mouth shut Because if you draw attention to i…
In banishing fear of the unknown By knowing it all Our risk is only greater Because now It’s the devil you know
God is the world’s only super-bower
Guilt is intolerable which is why “I can explain everything” is processed into “I have a theory which explains ev…
Life = Trial by fire Death = Trial by firing squad
The bell curve is the Serpent With the lump in the middle Who ate Adam and Eve By convincing us we’re all mostly… But we’ve proven indigestible
It was easier to live the lie I w… Than to face the truth we all knew But eventually The truth blew up in my face And now it’s written all over my f…
Money can’t buy me love; Bitcoin doesn’t need to
The pleasure in a magic show is wondering how the magician did it
Question: Absent the fear of God What does materialism do To reign in the aggressive instinc… Answer:
We’d all been taught As the temps got hot That all was for naught And that was our lot So, we’d cashed out and bought
The turning point came after I pegged my happi– ness to the dollar