Caricamento in corso...

Skinny Love: Child

“You can’t bear a child”
The doctor told me today
“Fertility treatment won’t help you”
“Another treatment must first,
Be at Bay”
But even if I asked for help
I would still have to wait
Until my full recovery
To be able to mate.
Skinny love has no meaning, not to me.
If I can’t have a child to love
I can’t be happy.
I missed a few periods, I thought
It was true, “I’m pregnant” I said
But I was such a fool.
This disease, this curse,
It messed with my menstruation
Skinny love, what a joke
Im not getting help
I have to be skinny, I can’t
Let my goal fail.
Skinny love
Does not exist, not at all
No one loves being skinny
They just love the call.
The call back for agencies, models,
Ballerinas, but for me the love of
The fall.
I want a child, I want skinny more
It hurts, but ill live, till my weight
Kills me off.



Altre opere di Brittany L. Motz...
