Caricamento in corso...


Fresh out

Loving you was awesome
I threw myself into it
holding nothing back
But the version of you I loved, wasn’t truly you
I’d like to think it’s the person you wanted to be
the person who was also carelessly in love with me
But you showed your true colors, it came to light
and even then, I wanted to fight
to get back to the version that you originally showed me
so I tried to take your demons to set you free
But I’m only human, I can only take so much
and now 1 year later, I still crave your touch
for you, I’d do it again and again until I die
I know eventually I’ll have to let it go
but what if I don’t
what if I just spent the rest of my life living out our memories
because you took my heart and you’re still my everything

Altre opere di How Do I Delete This...
