Caricamento in corso...


Temporary forevers wrapped in bones & soft skin.
Hurt souls that essentially create more hurt souls by just putting out into the world what they think the world needs.
Who can teach us how to love?
Matter of fact, what the fuck is “love”?
It’s not an answer you can get from a teacher or professor or even a best friend.
'Cause true love is created not defined.
What’s felt cannot be explained or put into deep words that make you sway & move ; like a love song.
'Cause love is a power.
A power that can change someone from good to bad.
A power that can make someone leave Earth in an hour.
A power that can make you blind– not only your eye sight lost kinda blind but physically blind. Like you can only feel one person blind. Like, you live for ONE person kinda blind. A scary kinda blind.
Scary like your worst nightmare kinda blind.
But the scariness is what’s beautiful about love.
Love is taking a wrong path & essentially creating a right path.
Love is going down a dark ally & hoping to make it out alive.
Love is going down that dark ally w/ another person & hoping they make it out alive because fuck yourself.
Love is not a definition. It’s a power.
A power that us humans have to create in ourselves no matter how scary because without it, life becomes a definition– not something we experience.


Thought I'd try to not focus to much on the rhyme scheme & focus essentially on the content.

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