
My Savior

I lay in bed thinking what is right every night.
I pray for you to help me set my mind free and show me the light.
You always tell me the right thing to do.
Lord, you are my Savior.
I thank you Lord every day for giving me strength and courage to go throughout the day.
You give us freedom, you give us a say.
You are always there for us when we need you, even if we do wrong because you want us to stay strong.
You never let me down.
when I think of you I never frown.
You are always watching over me.
You always catch me when I fall.
You never let me get hurt.
As long as I have you everything will be okay, today, every day.
I thank you for being there, I thank you for being fair. Lord, you are my Savior.


This is a song I wrote. I will have poems on here soon.


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