
To Make Changes

To make the decision to make a change,
Taking the step out of the norm,
It can be a crazy chance,
However it could pay off for the better.
Each day is filled with choices,
Some of those choices are the right ones,
A lot of them are the wrong ones,
You have to decide for yourself.
Taking the time to thoroughly think through something,
To weigh the pros and cons,
To talk through something seriously,
That is the step in the right direction.
Small steps can be the hardest ones to take.
We are so wrapped up into our normal routine,
That sometimes we glide right passed the right decision,
So take the time to make the necessary changes.
Life is constantly evolving around us,
We cannot stand there and remain idle,
We need to continue to grow,
Continue to learn about who we are.
If you make the decision to change something in your life,
Embrace the change,
Gather the support of those who love and support you,
And go for it!
Life is way too short to wonder what if…
If you take the time to do what you need to,
Your life will be that much better for it.
Just because the decision isn’t the popular one don’t fear it.
I have seen so much happen right before my eyes,
I am so glad I have decided to make changes in my life,
My life has become so much better because of it,
Each day I embrace the positive things in life,
Don’t let the small things bring you down,
Remember you are special,
Make those changes you have been talking about,
Life will not wait for you…


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