
Diella Notsu Eret

My name is Cady, but it says Mary on my birth certificate. I live in Florida. I'm 15 years old and I breathe poetry. Any emotion I succumb to I end up writing about, sometimes in a very cynical and cryptic way. I get most of my inspiration from music and events that occur in my life. Some of my writing may be difficult to read and I apologize, I tend to get carried away while writing...  

My name is Cady, but it says Mary on my birth certificate. I live in Florida. I'm 15 years old and I breathe poetry. Any emotion I succumb to I end up writing about, sometimes in a very cynical and cryptic way. I get most of my inspiration from music and events that occur in my life. Some of my writing may be difficult to read and I apologize, I tend to get carried away while writing...  

My alias is Diella Notsu Eret, Not exactly an alter ego, mostly just a name I use.
Feel free to call me either Cady or Diella, please dont call me Mary though - I do not identify as Mary.
