Rock star dreams Reality tv Magic limelight silvery screens red carpets
My rusty convertible In her daze gleamed of a scorchiin… Whilst by the rain she suffered Her oily paint slowly she shed Now she lies within the gates
The moon glows Upon my mind Alone is the pain of yesterday —I let her go The twilights glow
Snowed in Natures house arrest Warm cider Picture perfect Kind of day
Jestures of love And light Lights of Twilight Moonlit nights
Once alive yet never dead Children’s spring summertime laugh… In the air and skies overhead Omnipresent love Sunshine and breezes
Oil leaks and elbow grease Men at work Tuesdays through the week Thursday eve comes Birthing of Fridays oblique
Is it quiet now? What did you think(?) Blessings in disguise? Lies? Surprises?
Perfection Cheap Broken sunglasses Always So true Aint it as factual
Broader concepts of the new day Half risen sun on the horizon Bright is the bay Beneath the glowing stratosphere Clarity, warmth
The river has run dry No fruit upon the vine Creatures abounding in the heat, caves and valleys discreet Nothing left to do
Quiet silhouettes Silencing an aching mind Between eyes not yet blind Within window quarters Along sides
God whispering in a seashell Beside the wishing well Beneath the skies Where seagulls dwell The forces of nature
Early morning cricket orchestra Resounding In the summer air Open fields What lies out there
Haunted by the howling wind Blinded by the moonlight Broken By and by without care Victimized by the fright