Vic Evora


"Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same."
Emily Bronte

They have met even before they were born
Far away in the spiral galaxies
A remote corner of the cosmic cairn
But born on earth, different centuries
Kindred spirits marooned in stellar shoals
They communed just in dreams and fantasies
Events already writ in heav’nly scrolls
It’s no accident; the meeting of souls
Her Story
When born at long last, she looked for her mate
But trapped in imperial court, her destiny
Emperor’s mistress! plight quite desolate
Guarded by eunuchs, she can’t move freely
In truthfulness she was well-nigh alone
Except in dreams, where he visits nightly
But then time came this world she must disown
A son, only proof of her life on earth
But o’er the years her legacy has grown
From her, generations spread west by north
As centuries multiplied her bloodline
Her offspring throughout the whole world henceforth
Many moons later, a shoot from the vine
The birth of a girl beautiful and fair
Thus begins a tale, epic and divine!
Luminous expressive eyes, long brown hair
Lovely she grew up, though no man would dare!
His Story
Centuries after she left earth behind
In a land cold and snowbound half the year
Born a handsome boy, dreamy and refined
Bold and clever youth, sought among his peers
But in nightly dreams, in far galaxies
He waits longingly for her to appear
She came every time from beyond the seas!
Waking up brought its own brand of sorrow
So, wake not! He prayed oft on bended knees
Soldier, he turned, skilled in bow and arrow
In far-flung land he fought and waged cruel war
He searched for his mate diligent thorough
But unfulfilled, he met a lady there
Her beauty caught his eyes and stole his heart
He stayed; sons and daughters his lady bore
Old he died, from nightly dreams ne’er apart
Joined her in the skies as he breathed his last
But from his sons, a noble clan did start
The decades and centuries went by fast
In that distant land a young lad was born
Whose skills with bow and arrow unsurpassed
Like his forebear, the mantle he has worn
Primed, keen to confront the world every morn
Their Story
Karma kismet or serendipity
Their offspring born the same moment in time
At last, the fates been kind befittingly
In the far galaxies their smiles sublime
Hoping their own seeds will finally meet
Under lucky stars, in familiar clime!
On a fateful day, a moment so sweet
An autumn fair in the faraway land
Two sets of eyes locked in a crowded street
An attraction they couldn’t understand
But both knew something irresistible
Hat off, he bowed, and gently kissed her hand
Wide-eyed her surprise unmistakable
Thus, the start of a passionate romance
The outcome plainly irreversible
Arms intertwined, letting go? not a chance!
Feeling they know each other a lifetime
Unfeignedly, they fell in love at first glance
And soon thereafter the wedding bells chime
As flowers bloomed just before summertime!
There in the cosmos, distant galaxy
Where they communed for many centuries
A corner of heaven, their balcony
Bittersweet adieu to their fantasies
Their virtual trysts are finally over
But both their hearts beaming with happiness
Their spirits swept by a supernova!
Here on earth; happily, ever after!
© Vic Evora

I started this poem over a year ago. It's kind of long, hopefully not boring. And it has gone through many rewrites. I am 99% happy with this version.

It is written in terza rima. I wanted the poem to have a "aged" feel because of the subject matter. Thanks for reading.


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