
Four Years

Freshman year, I called Puyallup home
It’s where I grew up, where I’d roam
I was in a Junior High School
9th grade and I thought I was pretty cool
I wore make-up, but a little too much
I rode horses and got in trouble and such
Because when you’re 14, you gotta be a rebel
With your drivers permit, facebook, and cell
Sophomore year, I went to ERHS
A real high school, which caused real stress
I joined key club and started helping out
Served, cooked, and cleaned without a pout
I started to learn some Espanol
I cleaned up my act and started a whole new goal
Junior year I moved to an entirely new town
I didn’t know anyone around
I joined the Equestrian Team
My horse and I suddenly had a new dream
I made a lot of new country friends
I got a job making pizza to make amends
Life started to mean something
I was excited to see what senior year would bring
I did the Equestrian Team again
Continued my job, I liked it back then
Juggled the team, school. work, and horses
I had four electives and took easy courses
I was always busy doing something everyday
But I still passed with straight A’s
These are my high school years
Caused love, happiness, memories, and tears
But through everything it had to bring
I don’t regret one single thing
Other works by Tami Cameron...
