
Puppies for sale(remake)

I’m called James and I have a really serious injury in my left leg. I was born like that so I’m used to limp or to hear people’s laughs or coments. I don’t care too much when children or sometimes adults stay watching at me because that is just curiosity. But the thing I’m very tired to support are parents who tell their children things like “poor boy” or “don’t look at him, just keep walking”, because that is fear of difference, I think parents can’t keep their children in a bubble hidden from reality, I will have to limp all my life and people pretending they don’t notice it won’t change anything.

I remember when I was nine years old I went with my parents, my best friend Tom and his parents too to a farm, we wanted to buy a puppy because christmas was near and everyone in the school had one. There were thirteen puppies, Tom had already choose the one he wanted, it had like a little wheelchair in two of his legs, he told me he had choosen that one because as he was different he would learn from him and the other way round too. But before he could buy it the farmer whisper him “you shouldn’t buy it...” (And looking at me he whisper him again) “he deserves him, as they are quite similar, you see... it’s better. They will undestand each other. Please, choose anoother dog, son.” I  understood his point of view but I didn’t agree. So I told him:

“ Sir, you don’t know me, you can’t know what I deserve because of that. If nobody would be different it will be very boring, right?, If I choose a dog just like me it will be very boring, right?; I wouldn’t learn anything new, I wouldn’t live any new experiences. Sir... whait, can you tell me your name, please?, I like calling people by their names.” He thought the awnser a little bit but not because he didn’t know it, I think because he was a little shock, but then he said “ Patrick, my name is Patrick”. And I keep on “Patrick as I was saying we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. It’s really easy to take the dog that is just like yourself so you can understand each other but for me (respecting your ideal) it’s better to take the different one because in real life no one will be just like you to understand you. I wish you a good day, by the way, I think my friend has already choose one”.


This story is a remake of the real one puppies for sale. With a complete different meassege.

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